PtRP – Portuguese Research Pole

PtRP Pole is represented by UNINOVA and created in 2007 as a GIS.
5 partners

The Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias (UNINOVA) Research Institute is a multidisciplinary, independent, and non-profit research institute employing around 180 persons, located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. It was formed in 1986 by the Faculty of S&T of the University Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL –, a group of industrial associations, a financial holding, and up to 30 companies. It is an active partner of Madan Parque (, a business facilitator and accelerator, incubating Micro and SME’s through several layers of support to entrepreneurial activity.
The main aim of UNINOVA is to pursue excellence in scientific research, technical development, advanced training and education. By working closely with industry and universities, technological innovations are transferred into profitable business concepts and, existing products further developed to match new industrial requirements. Due to its tight connection with the University and Madan Parque, UNINOVA has, since its foundation, hosted and supported the development several PhD thesis, as well as the creation of several successful spin-offs. Specialist areas of expertise of UNINOVA can be summarized as follows:
Strategies for interoperability and information integration using standards. Standards’ reuse and Harmonization. Intelligent mapping. Meta-modelling.
Intelligent infrastructures and architectures.
Ontologies, and Semantic Interoperability
Distributed Systems for Integrated Data Management.
Open platforms, Architectures and Toolkits to support and speed-up the implementation and adoption of local and web-based Electronic Data Interchange using and integrating standards and “de facto” standards, like UN/EDIFACT, ISO/STEP, XML, IDL, etc.
Platforms and services for automatized Web-based Conformance and Interoperability assessment activities. Frameworks for test-beds.
Design and development of integrators and translators for applications and web front-ends in integrated manufacturing environments and electronic customer-manufacturer relationships.
IoT and Embedded Systems.
Web site :
Universidade do Minho
The University of Minho is currently one of the most prestigious Portuguese higher education institutions, and is gradually becoming more prominent internationally.
The University was founded in 1973, and it is currently comprised of three campi: the Gualtar Campus, in Braga, and the Azurém and Couros Campi, in Guimarães.
The University’s mission is to create, spread and put knowledge into application, with free thinking and pluralism as its core values. Its goals are to promote higher education and to contribute to shape a model of society based on humanistic principles, in which knowledge, creativity and innovation contribute towards growth, sustainable development, well-being and solidarity.
Caixa Magica Software
Caixa Mágica Software aims to provide robust technological solutions based on Open Source software to the domestic and enterprise markets.
The introduction of software alternatives for Desktops and Servers has the purpose of contributing for the development of competitive information systems, and competence centres that have the Open Source agenda in mind.
Either by creating innovative hardware and software products or by providing professional services with an acknowledged professionalism and excellence and presenting integrated solutions that add real value to organizations, we have been able to conquer a growing number of customers and partners, from large organizations to private individuals.
Caixa Mágica Software is today a company that takes prowd in the fact that it has more than 800.000 computers with its Operating System installed in portuguese schools and student laptops, as well as 8.000 desktops deployed in Mexico. It has strong partnerships with the Portuguese Public Administration, the Portuguese Army, large hardware providers such as JP Inspiring Knowledge, Intel and Insys, it’s involved in big European Projects (leader in some of them), and as such is now a global player.
This reality is the result of a culture of excellence and quality, based on innovation and connection with national and international R&D centres. In the constant evolution of our products and services, one element remains unchanged across the years: The pursuit for competence and excellence in Open Source.
To contribute to the country’s development, by producing innovative solutions focused on individuals and organizations, investing in R&D and in the creation of Open Source Software excellence centres in Portugal. To develop the main portuguese-speaking Linux Distribution and make it accessible to everyone.
Web site:
Knowledge Biz
They are a team of talented engineers and computer scientists with a solid academic background, research competencies, and large professional experience in industrial and service projects.
They are technology savvy with a business acumen, combining knowledge about the state-of-art on science, technology, engineering and management with an entrepreneurial drive.
They are eager to take new challenges, designing, developing and implementing solutions that can leverage the disruptive digital technologies and new business models.
Web site: