PGSO Pole Grand Sud Ouest – French Pole

V-Lab Pole Grand Sud-Ouest is represented by University of Bordeaux and created in 2007 as a GIS.
8 partners
President of the Board: Prof. Yves Ducq (University of Bordeaux)
President of the Scientific Committee: Prof. Bernard Archimede (ENIT)

University of Bordeaux
Research within the University of Bordeaux favours an interdisciplinary, international approach. Such collaboration promotes the development of thematic clusters of excellence for research, training and knowledge transfer in numerous fields.
The Science and Technology Department is a key player for scientific research in Aquitaine. It is organized according to subject disciplines but also pursues a transverse, multidisciplinary approach.
The IMS-LAPS/GRAI laboratory at University Bordeaux 1 has been for 20 years developing Enterprise Modelling (EM) knowledge and tools and has been since year 2000 a key contributor to the emergence of Enterprise Interoperability (EI) research in Europe as the leader of IDEAS-TN, INTEROP-NoE and as a contributor to ATHENA-IP.
Web site :
Ecole des Mines d’Ales – LGI2P – France
Research team « ISOE » (Interoperable System and Organisation Engineering) cognitive automation, Interoperability requirement modelling and verification, collaborative processes for system engineering, system modelling, verification and validation.
Web site :
Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux
Mines Albi campus, research center and scientific and technological facilities sit at the cutting edge of progress and innovation.
4 major scientific expertise fields:
- Biomass engineering and renewable energy
- Bio health and powder engineering
- Mechanical engineering, materials, system and manufacturing processes
- logistic and supply chain management; decision making
Web site :
ESTIA (Engineering School in Bayonne)
The ESTIA campus is an ecosystem which includes:
- Engineering courses & masters degrees
- Research teams & technical platforms
- A company incubator
Web site :
ENIT – Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
In synergy with training, the transfer of technology and industrial development, ENIT also carries out multidisciplinary research through its Production Engineering Laboratory (PEL).
This laboratory brings together more than 100 people (research professors, senior lecturers, PhD students, engineers) who are involved in research and innovation in the fields of automation, electrical engineering, information technology, materials, mechanics and the science and technology of production.
4 research teams:
- Interfaces and Functional Materials (IFM)
- Dynamic Decisions and Interaction for Systems (DDIS)
- Mechanical Materials, Structures and Procedures (M2SP)
- Decision Making and Cognitive Systems (DCS)
Web site :
Research at LS2N is carried out in highly competitive internationally recognized laboratories. LS2N believes in an interdisciplinary approach and encourages a spirit of adventure to solve tomorrow’s major challenges: Manufacturing, Energy transition and Health.
All fields of investigation are related to the science of engineering, i.e. automatic control, robotics, telecommunication, ocean engineering, mechanics of materials and calculation of structures and civil engineering.
Web site :