INTERVAL – Spanish Pole

Spanish Pole is represented by INTERVAL, an association located at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.
8 partners

Polytechnic University of Valencia – UPV
The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a Spanish Public University with 13 High Technical Schools of Engineers, 30 Bachelors, and 60 Masters. The staff is more than 5,300 (2,700 teaching and research, 800 research and 1,800 administrative), with more than 38,000 students. In 2013, its budget was
roughly 353 million Euro. UPV is very active in R&D Projects and contracts with private companies, the incomes in 2012 produced by these activities were 30 million Euro.
The Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP) is at the leading edge of enterprise modeling, manufacturing planning research, manufacturing assembly, distribution, and service supply chain management research issues. CIGIP has more than 30 members, including professors, associate professors and full researchers dedicated to teaching and R&D in different areas of Operations and Production Management. Since 1994, CIGIP has participated in several European and Spanish Research Projects and several R&D contracts with regional industrial firms from different industrial sectors.
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They are a Basque R&D technology centre specialising in product, process and service innovation helping companies enhance their competitiveness. They offer comprehensive solutions combining the six areas in which they have a high level of specialisation: embedded systems, power electronics, microtechnologies, energy, mechatronics and advanced manufacturing.
The purpose of IK4 Research Alliance is the generation, capture and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge in order to contribute to improving the competitiveness of companies and the progress of society.
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Instituto Tecnológico de Informática – ITI
The ITI (Instituto Tecnológico de Informática) is a Technology Centre specialising in software technology Research, Development and Innovation. Created in 1994 as an initiative of the IMPIVA, the UPV and a group of companies from the IT sector, the ITI was set up as a non-profit organisation. Its mission is to improve and maintain the competitive positioning of companies in the IT sector by means of R&D&I and the provision of advanced services. The ITI has its headquarters in the Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, where it has a surface area of over 1600 m² equipped with laboratories for prototypes, hardware and software testing, and training rooms. It has a team of 120 employees, with extensive experience in developing national and international research projects, in collaboration with companies and institutions. The ITI offers companies the possibility of adding the technologies and capabilities developed in R&D&I projects to its products, processes or business. The technologies and services on offer are the result of a combination of advanced scientific knowledge and experience in collaboration with companies. In order to fulfil its aims, it has a technological observatory and participates in technological platforms, developing basic and applied research projects, attending conferences and other forums of scientific and industrial knowledge. Working with the ITI provides great flexibility and the possibility of adapting its technologies and capabilities to the specific needs of each project, since all the technologies emerge from its own R&D.
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Ainia technological centre is a non-profit organization, on a national scale, formed by companies in the food manufacturing sector and related industries. It was created in 1987 by these companies in conjunction with the Valencian Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises (IMPIVA). The aims of the centre are to promote technological research and development in the food sector, increase production quality, improve competitiveness and promote modernization and diversification in the food industry by offering services to our associates and also to carry out public or private projects of scientific research and technological development. Ainia was created to meet the needs of the food industry, developing services which respond to the demands of associate companies, collaborating with them, while always respecting the golden rule of total confidentiality. Now it associates more than 1.000 companies, and more than 180 people (most of them with a University degree) are working in it. During the last year 170 R&D projects were developed, as well as a high number of consulting and training activities. This Technological Centre has developed several projects to increase the participation of companies in EU programs and has been involved in different European Projects. Ainia is member of the Innovation Relay Centres Network (the largest network in Europe for the transfer of technologies among different countries) and INTEROP-VLab network (European Virtual Laboratory for Interoperability of Enterprise and Business), focused on the research of interoperability solutions for SMEs.
Web site :
AIDIMA is a non-profit private research association, founded in 1984. It is an association of companies and is registered at the Spanish Inter-ministerial Commission for Science and Technology as Innovation and Technology Centre. AIDIMA’s main aim is to contribute to enhance competitiveness of the furniture, wood, packaging and related industries. The activities the Institute performs to achieve that competitiveness in the sector are: research, technological development and innovation (RTDI), standardisation, certification quality and safety, logistics, information, market research and business strategy, training, environment, packaging and goods transport, cooperation and internationalisation. A special focus on health & safety, knowledge, and a promotion on innovation for a better business management in the fields of design, production and processes, marketing and export boosting are also given. AIDIMA has been recognised as a Centre of R&D Excellence by the European Union For the wood, furniture, packaging and related sectors. AIDIMA currently holds the Presidency of INNOVAWOOD, European Organisation for Research & Development and Training in the Forestry, Wood and Furniture sector. AIDIMA also belongs to FEDIT (Spanish Federation of Technology Institutes) and to the Network of Valencian Technology Institutes, REDIT. AIDIMA is member of AENOR‟s management committee (Spanish standardisation association), it also holds the Secretariat of the Standardisation Technical Committee CTN 11 Furniture and the Secretariat of the Standardisation Technical Committee CTC 065 N Mark for furniture. AIDIMA‟s laboratories are certified by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación) and ISTA (International Safe Transit Association).
AIDIMA and AIMME merged to become AIDIMME and with this initiative, they want to consolidate a Technologic Institute with a better potential, sustainable, competitive and adapted to the SMEs needs and activities.
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