European Projects
HORIZON / Project No. 101092043
Smart Grading, Handling and Packaging Solutions for Soft and Deformable Products in Agile and Reconfigurable Lines
Research area
HORIZON.2.4 – Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04 – Intelligent work piece handling in a full production line (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
36 months / start date: 2023-01-01 / ongoing
Conveyor systems enable the quick and efficient transportation of equipment and/or materials from one location to another. Today, robots are essential in this field. The European sector’s share reaches 23 %, yet Europe must still compete with China, Japan and Korea. Improved efficiency and new solutions would be an advantage. However, the transportation of deformable objects such as plastic items and food still cannot be handled by robots. The EU-funded AGILEHAND project will develop new technologies that will allow robots to smartly handle and package soft and deformable objects in agile and reconfigurable lines, while intelligence solutions will monitor, control and synchronise production and logistics for improved efficiency. AGILEHAND’s solutions will be demonstrated in four industrial pilots.
H2020 / Project No. 958205
Research area
36 months / start date: 2021-01-01 / ongoing
The amount of industrial data coming from smart small-size and cost-effective interconnected factory devices is huge. The challenge now is how to guarantee data reliability with functions grouped into five basic capabilities around the data cycle: sensing, communication, computing infrastructure, storage, and analysis and optimisation. The EU-funded i4Q project will develop a Reliable Industrial Data Services (RIDS) solution based on the Internet of things (IoT). This is a complete suite based on 22 i4Q solutions that can manage a large amount of industrial data. For instance, the i4Q RIDS will include simulation and optimisation tools for manufacturing line-continuous process qualification, quality diagnosis, reconfiguration and certification for ensuring high manufacturing efficiency, leading to an integrated approach to zero-defect manufacturing.
H2020 / Project No. 826117
Research area
H2020-EU.3.1. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health, demographic change and well-being
SC1-DTH-08-2018 – Prototyping a European interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) exchange
50 months / start date: 2019-01-01 / completed
It is important for all EU citizens to be able to access their own health data easily and securely within each EU Member State. With this in mind, the EU-funded Smart4Health project will develop a prototype application that allows users to collect, manage, share and donate their health-related data throughout the EU. Bringing together 18 partners from medical, social and technical sciences and industry, the project will pave the way for the full deployment of citizen-centred solutions and services in a digital single market for well-being and healthcare. The platform under development will ultimately advance citizen health and digital innovation by providing easy-to-use and constantly accessible health data. It will facilitate feedback and interaction between patients and healthcare providers and support disease prevention and citizen empowerment.
H2020 / Project No. 872548
Research area
H2020-EU.2.1.1. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
36 months / start date: 2020-01-01 / completed
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is an ecosystem still under development and characterised by the rise of advanced technologies such as IoT and AI that are collectively called cyber-physical systems (CPSs). CPSs include smart grid, autonomous vehicle systems, medical monitoring and automatic pilot avionics, and are based on the development of a network of digital innovation hubs (DIHs). The EU envisages attaining a leading global role in 4IR. The EU-funded DIH4CPS project intends to create an interdisciplinary network of DIHs and solution providers that focus on CPSs and embedded systems, interweaving understanding and technologies from diverse territories, and to connect it with European experts. The project will support European SMEs to overcome obstacles posed by innovative technology.
H2020 / Project No. 680633
Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems

Research area
FoF-09-2015 – ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
36 months / start date: 2015-11-01 / completed
BEinCPPS Innovation Action aims to integrate and experiment a CPS-oriented Future Internet-based machine-factory-cloud service platform firstly intensively in five selected Smart Specialization Strategy Vanguard regions (Lombardia in Italy, Euskadi in Spain, Baden Wuertemberg in Germany, Norte in Portugal, Rhone Alpes in France), afterwards extensively in all European regions, by involving local competence centers and manufacturing SMEs. The final aim of this Innovation Action is to dramatically improve the adoption of CPPSs all over Europe by means of the creation, nurturing and flourishing of CPS-driven regional innovation ecosystems, made of competence centers, manufacturing enterprises and IT SMEs.
The BE in CPPS project stems upon three distinct pillars:
• A FI-based three-layered (machine-factory-cloud) open source platforms federation, integrated from state-of-the-art R&I advances in the fields of Internet of Things, Future Internet and CPS / Smart Systems and able to bi-directionally interoperate data pertaining to the machine, the factory and the cloud levels.
• A pan-European SME-oriented experimentation ecosystem. In a first phase of the project, the five Champions will provide requirements to the platforms integrators. In a second phase, an Open Call for IT SMEs developers (applications experiments) will award 10 third parties. In a final third phase, the extended platform will be instantiated and deployed in additional 10 third parties equipment experiment SMEs.
• A well-founded method and toolbox for Innovation management, where an existing TRL-based methodology for KETs technology transfer will be enriched by a CPPS certification, education and training programme for young talents and experienced blue collar workers and by a well-founded three-fold (objectives-variables-indicators) method for results assessment and evaluation.
H2020 / Project No. 636804
Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems

Research area
H2020-FoF5-2014 Innovative product-service design using manufacturing
36 months / start date: 2015-02-01 / completed
The PSYMBIOSYS concept is based on a holistic and unifying collaboration concept (the symbiosis) implemented through a five-pointed star symbolizing the following 5 main dichotomies we have identified in product-service design.
The 5 main dichotomies or tussles[1] which are currently preventing service innovation to be pervasively adopted by all EU manufacturing industries, SMEs included:
- Products and Service
- Design and Manufacturing
- Knowledge and Sentiment
- Service-Oriented and Event-Driven architectures
- Business and Innovation
H2020 / Project No. 636909
Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks

Research area
Process Optimisation of Manufacturing Assets
36 months / start date: 01/01/2015 / completed
The goal of C2NET Project is the creation of cloud-enabled tools for supporting the SMEs supply network optimization of manufacturing and logistic assets based on collaborative demand, production and delivery plans. C2NET Project will provide a scalable real-time architecture, platform and software to allow the supply network partners:
- To create cloud-enabled tools
- To support the SMEs supply network optimization of manufacturing and logistic assets based on
collaborative demand, production and delivery plans.
FI-PPP Project Phase 2 / Integrated Project No. 604674
Future Internet Technologies for Manufacturing

Research area
Future Internet
Public-Private Partnership
call FP7-2012-ICT-FI
obj:FI.ICT-2011.1.8: Use Case scenarios and early trials
24 months / start date: 2013-04-01 / completed
FITMAN aims to provide industry-led use case trials in the domain of smart, digital and virtual factories of the future. The trials will test and assess the suitability, openness and flexibility of FI-WARE’s Generic Enablers while contributing to the sustainability of EU manufacturing industries.
The mission of the FITMAN (Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing industries) project is to provide the FI PPP Core Platform with 10 industry-led use case trials in the domains of Smart, Digital and Virtual Factories of the Future.FITMAN Trials (4 conducted by Large Enterprises, 6 by SMEs) will test and assess the suitability, openness and flexibility of FI-WARE Generic Enablers while contributing to the STEEP (social-technological-economical-environmental-political) sustainability of EU Manufacturing Industries.
The use case trials belong to several manufacturing sectors such as automotive, aeronautics, white goods, furniture, textile/clothing, LED lighting, plastic, construction, and manufacturing assets management.
FP7 – 318329 / Integrated Project
Technology Enhanced Learning Living Lab for Manufacturing Environments

Research area
ICT-2011.8.1 Technology-Enhanced Learning
36 months / start date: 2012-11-01 / completed
The TELL-ME project aims to develop and experiment in authentic contexts (SME- driven human-centric and service-oriented manufacturing workplaces) an innovative cross-enterprise methodology and IT platforms for continuous education & training in heterogeneous business ecosystems – blending Precision Teaching (PT) – Lifelong Learning and Living Lab (LL) – with participative co-creation aspects that can fulfill more business needs than traditional training.
FP7-ICT / Project No. 284860
Manufacturing Service Ecosystem

Research area
FoF-ICT-2011.7.3 – Virtual Factories and enterprises
36 months / start date: 2011-10-01 / completed
European Social Fund project – POSDRU/81/3.2/S/53084
ComHigh Tech
Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises by improving and specializing human resources in the field of new technologies, in a knowledge based society and for a durable development

Research area
Sectorial Operational Programme for the Development of Human
36 months / start date: 2010-07-01 / completed
Development of a system to support the enterprise adaptability towards the new requirements of the knowledge based economy in Romania.
The main objective of the project is to support the enterprise adaptability in Romania by developing training centers where executive managers, engineers and researchers will acquire the skills in IT and Automation knowledge management in enterprise and investment management, for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises by developing adaptability of human resources.
FP7-248583 / Coordination and Support Action
UpgradiNg ICT excellence by strengthening cooperation between research Teams in an enlarged Europe

Research area
Strengthening cooperation in ICT R&D in an enlarged Europe
36 months / start date: 2010-02-01 / completed
UNITE promotes secondment of research teams working in the area of the future Internet, as an enabler to achieve sustainable knowledge sharing within the enlarged Europe.
- Financed secondment and connection of researchers from one to 12 months, following an already pre-identified offer/demand matrix of organizations based on expertise (targeted mobility);
- Organization of targeted workshops and two doctoral symposiums, across an enlarged Europe to build-up synergies and support networking and collaborations;
Sharing of public knowledge generated by other EU funded research projects; - Creation an “Eastern Europe” INTEROP-Vlab Pole to achieve long-term cooperation with the organizations from that region.